Monday, August 10, 2009

Countdown to Florida

Well, an entire year has gone by since the trip out west, and we will be heading to Florida at almost precisely the same time we went on vacation last year. Once again, long stretches of driving are in the near future because we decided to fore-go the airport scene.

After several weeks of a hum-drum sort of summer, I'm definitely looking forward to a week of entertainment. Unfortunately, I'll be trading in mountains for the beach, but as long as there are decent waves and sea shells, I will be content. Another MAJORLY exciting thing about this trip is the fact that I will get to spend a few days at Disney World (one of my favorite places on the planet). Justin and I have been together for nearly 10 years, and it will be the first time we get to experience the "Magic" together.

So anyway, I will try to keep the tradition alive once again this year by blogging about my trip experience. I'm not sure what the plans are as far as computer access is concerned, but I have a hunch that the laptop will come with us since Justin may have to do a wee bit of business down there.

Til tomorrow...

Heigh ho, Heigh ho, it's off to bed I go!

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