Friday, August 8, 2008

Back on the Saddle

To begin I'll say that, those that are particularly close to me would know that I've been a bit out-of-sorts for about the past day and a half. But now everything is great, and I'm back to normal at this point. So, late this afternoon, I got back on the saddle to work on ALL THINGS VACATION. That would be a cute television show title!

What I did first was to call all of the hotels we are staying at to see if they had Wifi access for our laptop that we are bringing. Well, about half did and the other half did not. I was not surprised, to say the least, and I know that I'll have to find some creative ways to get around that with the blogging. Justin actually mentioned that there is a way to turn his Blackberry into a modem. I'll let him figure that out though!

But anyway, I feel like we are going to be like the most technologically advanced travelers ever! The number of electronics and gadgets we are bringing on this trip is ridiculous. Here's a list: my Razr, Justin's Blackberry, my portable Garmin GPS navi system, Justin's laptop, my digital camera, Justin's digital SLR camera plus 3-4 lenses and a tripod, and both of our Ipods (including a docking station to play them in our rooms and the car adapter to listen while driving). We thought about bringing our video camera, but we are going to have our hands full as it is!

Let's see, I finally finished stockpiling all of the trail descriptions for RMNP, the Tetons and Yellowstone as well. With all of this research being done, I should be able to whip out days 9 and 10 really quickly. Depending on how I feel after watching several hours of the Opening Ceremony of the Summer Olympics, I may or may not work on the itinerary later tonight. We shall see...

This evenings' picture is of the Lower Falls in the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. Yay, finally somewhere where I know we will be in a few weeks! I'm sure we'll have some even better pictures of it from the exact same spot. It's difficult to see, but just to the right of the waterfall is a viewing spot in which people can look directly down over the brink of the falls. It's truly amazing to see the amount of force (up close) generated by all of that water! Unfortunately, due to some damage to the one of the roads (probably from a rock slide or small avalanche), we will not be able to access the trail that leads to that spot. It's a bit disapointing, but I know that we'll see so many other spectacular things that it's nothing to get your panties in a bunch about.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lauren!!!

I was so excited to get the word about your blog. I must admit, I never would have known this side of you. It sounds like you have an amazing trip lined up. Heck, maybe even the start of a new career path in vacation planning/itineraries. From the few entries I've read in your blog, I'd hire you! I think you and Matt would be compatible travelers. He loves to have a breakdown of what is going on. I'm much more 'fly by the seat of my pants.' Ah well.
Anyway, can't wait to read about your trip! Travel safe and say 'hi' to Justin for me. - Carrie

tt said...

Have fun Lauren! Post lots of pics.